Pasado / Presente / Futuro

“Pasado / Presente / Futuro” or “Past / Present / Future” is a mural created in three parts for Us Barcelona Festival. Painted on the outer walls of the former La Modelo Prison in Barcelona, Spain, the mural site has great historical and emotional significance in Spain and especially in Barcelona.  La Modelo held political prisoners throughout the Franco regime, and executions, overcrowding, and inhumane treatment were just but a few of the atrocities that took place during the more than 100-year history of this site.  Currently, the city government of Barcelona has plans to turn the place into a cultural center of sorts – including offices, schools, and exhibition spaces – a fact not without controversy to the neighbors (many of whom would rather see the whole place torn to the ground). Regardless, the mural festival enables the city to see the space in a new light, finally bringing color and a smile to this very “dark” place.

The mural, “Pasado / Presente / Futuro” represents the history, present day, and future of the prison itself, reflecting on the tears of the past, the seeds of today, and the flowers of tomorrow – a life cycle – and a way to look back at history with hope for the future.

  • © Emily Eldridge 2023